GOOD VIBES MEMORY CHOIR – WED starting Jan 22 at 1:30 PM
We start a new choir term on Wednesday, January 22 at 1:30 PM.
We will also have “Bring-a friend-to-rehearsal” on Wednesday, January 22. It’s an opportunity to try it out. Do you know someone experiencing memory loss? Please invite them and come with them. Get them connected to a wonderful community. Whether you or your loved one has memory loss or not, singing in a choir improves brain health. There is NO CHARGE for this choir. This is an opportunity to reach out to people with (or without) dementia and let them know that our church community cares about them and their family members. For more information, please go to: www.goodvibesmemorychoir.com OR email Erica at goodvibesmemorychoir@gmail.com
We will also have “Bring-a friend-to-rehearsal” on Wednesday, January 22. It’s an opportunity to try it out. Do you know someone experiencing memory loss? Please invite them and come with them. Get them connected to a wonderful community. Whether you or your loved one has memory loss or not, singing in a choir improves brain health. There is NO CHARGE for this choir. This is an opportunity to reach out to people with (or without) dementia and let them know that our church community cares about them and their family members. For more information, please go to: www.goodvibesmemorychoir.com OR email Erica at goodvibesmemorychoir@gmail.com