St. Peter’s Passover Teaching and Seder Supper
Seder Meal – Thursday February 23 @ 5:30pm
The celebration of Passover not only commemorates God’s rescue of the
Jewish people from slavery in Egypt it also provides the background for the
greater deliverance available to all through the Jesus the Messiah.Join us as Bible Teacher and Jewish believer Alan Gilman takes us on an
engaging journey of discovery as we celebrate Passover through a Messianic
lens. Invite your friends!
Jewish people from slavery in Egypt it also provides the background for the
greater deliverance available to all through the Jesus the Messiah.Join us as Bible Teacher and Jewish believer Alan Gilman takes us on an
engaging journey of discovery as we celebrate Passover through a Messianic
lens. Invite your friends!
The Event begins at 5:30 pm with supper starting around 6:30 pm (snack
before coming). Its a potluck, bring a favorite disk or two.
In keeping with tradition no Pork or Shellfish dishes please.
Let the church office know if you will be attending the Seder meal or you can help
with managing the meal.