Women’s Study – Book of James 10 AM to 11:30 AM
Women’s Study – Book of James
If you’ve ever wondered what the Christian life should look like, James tell it like it is.
In this five-session video Bible study, Dr. Lina Abujamra shares with her signature
energy what it means to be the real deal, and how to live authentically and victoriously
through the challenges of life. If you do this study you will grow in your walk with the Lord.
You will get stronger in your fight against temptation. You will better understand what it
means to be a true follower of Jesus. You will be challenged to leave the status quo and
become more like Christ. You will have zero regrets. I promise you that.
This study begins February 18th for 5 weeks. All you need is your Bible.
We meet in the Gateway at 10:00 am – 11:30 am.
Any questions please email me at rhondaosness@saintpeters.ca or contact the church office.
See you in February,